Exam Pattern

  • There are mainly 7 subjects in each semester (I to VI) apart from the foundation course in the Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com) Programme. Composition of the internal exam (college) and external exam (University) of 30/70. Every student must secure minimum passing marks in the internal exam i.e. 12 out of 30 marks and the external exam i.e. out of 28/70 and a total of 40 out of 100. The internal exam of 30 marks is also divided into 3 parts. Written test of 15 marks, assignment of 10 marks, and attendance of 5 marks. To avoid internal ATKT, students have to secure 12 marks out of 30, and also compulsory to appear in the written exam of each subject in each semester. Any student with internal ATKT has to appear in the mid-Sem exam of the next cycle and also fill up the university exam form.