Sports Committee

Sports Committee

The TCC Sports Committee offers chances for TCC students to play, practise and take part in a variety of sporting activities both inside and outside the college. The committee has worked very hard to deliver these with the ultimate goal of promoting health and the physical and emotional well-being of the TCC community. The committee strives to make each athletic event a holistic approach to cultivating traits like sportsmanship, team spirit, and bonding. The prospective leaders of tomorrow experience an adrenaline rush thanks to the tournaments we organise throughout the year in a variety of indoor and outdoor sports. The competitions not only assist identify new talent on campus, but they also teach the kids the value of sportsmanship, teamwork, and hard effort.


Objectives of the Committee

  • Develop physical fitness.
  • Understand the importance of sports.
  • Get opportunity to be innovative and creative in sports.
  • To develop an appreciation of the concepts of honest competition.
  • To develop the capacity to maintain the interest in sports.
  • To develop leadership skills and qualities.
  • To develop self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • To promote an understanding of physical and mental well-being.


Sports Committee Report






There were no Sports activity due to Corona